Life Coaching
GBNB offers life coaching tailored to the individual, whether it be personal, professional, or a mixture of things from life's pallet.
Weekly blogs pertaining to life and the issues that we all have to deal with. Helpful information to feed deep thought and motivation that stems from within.
At GBNB we offer our services to motivate each person, meeting them where they are at. Our goal is to help each person or group of people to become the best version of themselves, living out their dreams in real life.
Get Better Not Bitter, Your life awaits you...
The key lies within you. You are the solution to the problem. Your attitude will make all the difference in the direction of your life. You can only control you & your actions, it is an ongoing process for each person. You can either stay in a place of discomfort, misery, & familiarity or you can lean into your feelings & step out of that miserable comfort into the unknown & grow.
Growth isn’t always easy or fun or enjoyable, however it is crucial, necessary to living the life you were put on the planet to live, a full life. Each of us has our purpose, & each us has a responsibility to uncover that purpose. You do not know who is waiting for your help, your gift. This is only one reason why our individual growth is so important...while it’s easy to stay in our comfort zone, even if it’s a miserable place, if we stay there we don’t grow. If we don’t grow we can not uncover the miracles, great & small, that lie on the other side.
As I reflect on my own growth, the hurtful people & situations placed in my life have been some of the greatest blessings that have positively changed my life. However, in those situations where I had been hurt, emotionally beaten & battered, left to fail, a shell of my former self, I made an important decision. I did not want to ever feel this way again & I knew I had to do something different, I had to change and so the amazing journey get better, not bitter...and thrive. I promise you it is worth every step!!! Won’t you join up with me in this journey, in your own journey of recovery, growth, & embrace the magical future you that waits for YOU! You can get better, not bitter...and thrive!

Next Steps...
So what are you waiting for....the next chapter of your life is waiting for you. Let me help you get Better, not bitter!